


 上海益海信息技术有限公司是一家法资背景的企业,前身是法国历史最悠久的系统集成商(上市公司 近百年历史)。我们致力于为不同的用户群体提供一站式的IT服务。


 我们的业务涵盖:整体IT Solution规划,软硬件实施维护,IT Audit。 










职位1HelpdeskVIP Support   地点:上海(陆家嘴、虹口白玉兰广场、越洋广场等)


1. 负责电脑的维护、管理、故障排除等日常工作,确保电脑的正常运作;

2. 负责打印机的维护、管理、故障排除等日常工作;

3. 各类操作系统,通用办公软件技术支持;

4. 负责Outlook等邮箱的设置及管理;

5. 负责日常网络、电话的维护、管理、故障排除等工作;

6. 负责客户处交办的其他相关工作。


1. 大专及以上学历,计算机相关专业;

2. 形象良好,抗压能力强;

3. 在以往的工作中有过VIP支持的工作经验,英语能作为日常工作语言的优先;

4. 具有较强的服务意识,能够对客户的需求做出快速响应;

5. 具有独立解决问题的能力,确保客户零投诉;

6. 具有良好的团队精神及较强的沟通能力;

7.自身具有乐观主义精神,懂商务礼仪 。

职位2:网络工程师   地点:浦东新区卡园二路









职位3Helpdesk(英文)   地点:武汉硚口区


1. 对用户进行日常的技术支持;(远程及现场)

2. 负责电脑的维护、管理、故障排除等日常工作,确保电脑的正常运作;

3. 负责打印机的维护、管理、故障排除等日常工作;

4. 各类操作系统,通用办公软件技术支持;

5. 负责Outlook等邮箱的设置及管理;

6. 负责日常网络、电话的维护、管理、故障排除等工作;

7. 负责客户处交办的其他相关工作。


1. 大专及以上学历,计算机专业,女生优先;

2. 英语听说读写流利,能与外国用户进行日常的工作交流;

3. 具有网络、系统等方面的基础知识,有1年的Helpdesk的相关工作经验优先;

4. 具有较强的服务意识,能够对客户的需求做出快速响应;

5. 具有独立解决问题的能力,确保客户零投诉;

6. 具有良好的团队精神及较强的沟通能力。

职位4: 网络工程师 地点:浦东八佰伴



1. 5年以上大型网络项目实施,维护经验

2. 掌握主流品牌的网络产品(CiscoHuaweiFortinet,深信服)

3. 掌握主流网络技术(路由,交换,无线,安全,QOS,主流路由协议(OSPF, EIGRP, BGP, MPLS

4. 一定的英文文档阅读能力

5. Cisco CCNP/CCIE认证优先

APP part



职位5Linux运维工程师   地点:四川北路/陆家嘴








3.一年以上LINUX, AIX, HP-UNIX, SOLARIS系统运维经验,精通其中一种操作系统维护、常用服务的配置、shell脚本编程、python脚本编程










职位6AWS运维工程师   地点:陆家嘴





职位7BI工程师  地点:徐汇漕宝路

Overview of job

Promote data intelligence, establish a reliable and efficient automation data solution, provide good data service for the client or client team.

3 best things about the job:

1.Be involved in Data Warehouse

2.Engage in each stage of report project

Measures of success

In 3 months:

 •Familiar with all existing report project

 •Familiar with data warehouse

 •Maintain data warehouse and data processing program

In 6 months:

 •Deal with the new requirements of the report

 •Fix report issue independently and data issue

 •Maintain existing report

Responsibilities of the role:

 •Monitor data processing program and make sure data loading success

 •Develop and maintain data warehouse and report

 •Working with IT team to fix data issue and meet reporting requirements

 •Diagnosing and optimizing the data processing program

What you will need:

 •Have 1-2 years’ experience in SQL (must)

 •knowledge of data analysis tools,SSIS,SSAS, Python, R , Power BI

 •Strong communication and interpersonal skills

 •Quick learning ability, logic thinking

职位8:网络安全工程师  地点:徐汇漕宝路


Enable the risk enabled environment, develop a risk awareness program and conduct training to ensure that all stakeholders understand the risk and contribute to the risk management process and to promote a risk-aware culture

Identification of cyber risks, communication, and development of “best practice” solutions, and implementation of mitigating controls which consistent with company strategy

Development, implementation, and enforcement of information security governance including policies, standards, and procedures etc.

Ensure that the IT assets and services are secure, ranging from mobile devices, desktops, servers and applications to networks through the implementation of best-in-class security measures

Act as the IT liaison to lead communications with internal and external auditors and ensure compliance

Development, execution, and monitoring of disaster recovery plans for all critical IT assets throughout the organization

Selection and management of external security management vendors and service providers to support security planning and implementation as organizational needs and resource levels required

Create and maintain a risk register to ensure that all identified risk factors are accounted for, and establish the benchmark as well as the information technology risks reporting dashboard in terms of highlight the risk profiles for countries

Assist with providing subject matter expertise within the information technology operational risk management framework and the vendor risk assessment framework

Validate the risk appetite and risk tolerance level with senior leadership and key stakeholders to ensure alignment

Responsible for various risk management projects as assigned from whatever from zone and/or global


A degree in Computer Science, Information Security or a related field or discipline is ideal, 6+ years’ experience in cyber risks management, or the equivalent combination of consulting, training, or work experience. Information security and/or IT risks related certifications are most preferred (e.g., CISSP, CRISC, CISA, CISM etc.)

Solid skills like following:

Good at IT risks mapping methodologies

Expert level in developing processes to identify, mitigate and regularly track risk related to the team

Good verbal and written communication skills to technical and non-technical audiences of various levels in the organization

Experienced in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with technical team as well as the end users from business

Working knowledge of security and network, server and web application technologies

Previous information technology auditing/consulting and/or information technology risks management experience

Very good understanding on the ISO27001/5, NIST CSF

职位9:项目管理(Infra  地点:浦东新区

Main Role

1.Provide project management and coordination of IT part of BP Shanghai Office Move Project to delivery and migration of IT infrastructure. Include but not limit to IT room, structure cabling, network devices, wireless, IPT, AV, Desk booking, Desktop, etc.

2.Provide project management and coordination of IT part of BP CTC office expansion project to deliver setup of IT infrastructure, Include IT room, cabling, network device, wireless, etc.

3.Provide necessary coordination and administrative support to related C4C projects.


1.Fluent in English speaking and writing. Strong communication skill, able to perform seamless communication with local and oversea team, able to bridge multiple working peers and working under different time zone.

2.Strong team work and collaborate skill, capability to document in English/Chinese.

3.Strong project management and coordination skill, and able to delivery project goals and lead the overall project deployment with tight project schedule under complex environment and pressure.

4.Familiar with IT infrastructure technical include but not limit to IT room facilities, Cabling, Network, Wireless, IPT, AV, Office automation, Desktop, Desk booking system, etc.

5.Experienced in IT infrastructure project, deliver IT infrastructure project of medium to large scale independently. Minimal 5 years IT infrastructure project or operation experience.

6.Able to adopt to variable and keep improving IT service and business environment.

7.Office moving project experience is preferred.

职位10IT桌面支持   地点: 会德丰广场


* 管理和维护公司IT 资产和办公网络环境,快速响应并恢复相关故障;

* 企业内网基础服务(如VPN、企业邮箱等内部工具)的日常管理及技术支持;

* 编写、维护技术文档,负责IT 培训工作;

* 优化桌面管理相关制度和技术方案,参与新产品服务的技术选型,实施桌面相关项目的落地。


* 熟悉企业网络运维,具备基本网络故障排除经验(如DHCP, DNS 等);

* 了解企业级视频会议系统的相关知识,并且对至少一种方案有运维经验;

* 了解虚拟桌面相关的知识,并且对至少一种方案有运维经验;

* 熟悉Mac环境常用办公软件的安装、配置与常见故障处理;

* 具有较强的执行能力,能够按时高质量完成既定的工作安排;

* 优秀的口头和书面沟通能力,具备良好的服务意识。

职位11IT技术支持   地点: 张江银冬路


1. 负责桌面端基础软硬件维护和技术支持

2. 实验室软硬件设备管理

3. 会议技术支持

4. 领导安排其他事宜


1. 大专及以上学历,计算机或相关专业

2. 了解桌面级软硬件维护

3. 熟悉系统安装

4. 了解服务器硬件、系统安装、排错

5. 熟悉Linux系统优先

职位12:桌面运维  地点: 人民广场附近


  1. 定期杀毒

  2. 网速维护

  3. 清理安装时被程序自带安装的垃圾软件

  4. 员工离职后对电脑软件的清理和安装

  5. 远程开通员工的某些公盘中的文件权限

  6. 在电脑需要硬件更新时更换安装设备、软件等

  7. 笔记本电脑对电视的投屏系统维护(远程)

  8. 打印机的维护维修

职位13:采购  地点: 漕河泾


Support purchase team for R&D center on engineering requirements

Work with internal department for demand clarification/confirmation;

Place PO in SAP according to PR or sign frame contract with long-term cooperation suppliers;

Follow up delivery and ensure supplies meet schedule as well as quality requirement;

Evaluate suppliers’ performance on regular basis, notify suppliers for poor performance and push for improvement;

Coordinate between suppliers and finance for payment and solve problems if necessary;

Response to unexpected issues, solve problem and report;

Other task assigned by line manager.

Education: Bachelor+

English: good level of oral and written.

Experience: mini 3 years on purchasing scope.

职位14PLM Training & Support地点: 漕河泾


1.  熟练掌握内部数据系统的使用,并进行相应的推广及培训工作;

2.  对于其他部门或相关人员在相关工作过程和环节中碰到的一系列PLM方面的问题进行相应的支持工作;

3.  负责完成客户处交办的其他相关工作。


1.  本科及以上学历,机械或汽车相关专业;

2.  具有熟练的英语听说读写能力,能够与外籍人士在工作中进行无障碍交流,懂法语者尤佳;

3.  熟悉Catia

4.  性格开朗,具有较强的沟通及交流能力。

职位15Architecture Engineer地点: 漕河泾


Management of packaging, architecture (style feasibility and architecture design) for vehicle project.

Propose technical solutions for Style Technical Performance convergence.

Propose technical solutions for interface convergence.

Be responsible for making packaging check and study in vehicle

Manage the technical component robustness.

Be able to track/compare based on benchmark activity


Having >3 years of working experience in vehicle Archi/packaging design;1year or fresh could be considered but should have a good background on Catia and Automobile technology

Having the automobile/ Mechanical background in Bachelor or higher;

Be good at using CATIA: Part design, Generative Shape Design and Assembly Design;

Be good at communication in English (CET-4+) but French is better

职位16:初级网络工程师 地点: 四川北路


1. 网络相关工作经验1年以上

2. 熟悉TCP/IP协议,熟悉主流品牌交换机、路由器、无线、防火墙基本配置

3. 负责对用户网络环境及设备的巡检、维护、管理、配置、排错

4. 对初级网络设备的安装与调试

5. 配合资深工程师网络项目的实施

6. 简单的英文读写优先

7. HCNA/CCNA/H3CNA等网络证书优先。

8. 具备基本的网络故障维护和故障处理能力,思维敏捷,独立思考,善于总结工作经验

9. 完成上级领导交办的其他任务

职位17:系统工程师(Windows  地点: 四川北路


1. 信息系统服务器及网络安装,配置。调优和支持信息系统相关的日常支持。

2. 独立运行和管理Windows ServerAD服务器。

3. 维护和架设Microsoft Exchange

4. VMWare等常见虚拟化产品的构筑和运维管理。

5. 维护机房文件服务器和邮件服务器、打印服务器的正常运行。

6. 负责网络数据备份、整理和归档;技术档案维护.

7. 通过安全和系统优化的手段保证系统安全和高运营效率。

8. 监控服务器运行状况和运行空间情况。

9. 实施项目时,协助安装调试和其他协助项目进行的工作。


1. 大学本科以上学历,计算机及相关专业。

2. 1-3年以上系统管理经验。

3. 掌握Windows ServerExchangeVMWARE系统安装。

4. 精通DNSDHCPWEBFTPAD等服务及相关软件的配置与管理。

5. 了解Dell等品牌服务器,存储等的安装和维护。

6. 工作主动性强,耐心细致,具有较强的沟通协调能力及高度责任心。

7. 良好的英语技术资料阅读能力。

职位18:桌面运维工程师   地点:虹口/徐汇/宝山/松江/浦东等


1. 对用户进行日常的技术支持;(远程及现场)

2. 负责电脑的维护、管理、故障排除等日常工作,确保电脑的正常运作;

3. 负责打印机的维护、管理、故障排除等日常工作;

4. 各类操作系统,通用办公软件技术支持;

5. 负责Outlook等邮箱的设置及管理;

6. 负责日常网络、电话的维护、管理、故障排除等工作;

7. 负责客户处交办的其他相关工作。


1. 大专及以上学历,计算机专业,全日制在校生亦可;

2. 计算机相关专业,具有相关Helpdesk的相关工作经验者优先;

3. 英语听说读写良好,能与用户进行日常工作的交流优先;

4. 具有较强的服务意识,能够对客户的需求做出快速响应;

5. 具有独立解决问题的能力,确保客户零投诉;

6. 具有良好的团队精神及较强的沟通能力;

7. 能够接受机动的工作形式,具有一定灵活性。

职位19:人事助理/专员   地点:四川北路










1. 大专以上学历,人力资源或IT相关专业;

2. 1年以上IT行业招聘经验,有猎头或外包公司招聘经验者优先考虑;

3. 有较强的抗压能力和电话沟通能力;

4. 较好的责任心、亲和力、协调能力和团队精神;

5. 能熟练的操作常用的办公软件。
